Angel Assassins - Book I - Lineage & Lies di J. J. Greaves edito da
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Angel Assassins - Book I - Lineage & Lies






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Descrizione Angel Assassins - Book I - Lineage & Lies

The prophesied child has been found. Many factions will fight to gain control of him. Will the Drakim rise again? Jake Avalon lives a privileged life on his Grandfather's estate. He has everything a 16 year old boy would want, money, freedom and great friends. His life, however, begins to unravel when he encounters a man hiding in a corn field on the estate. The man turns out to be the brother he didn't know he had, Xavier, his protector. Jake is a phenomenon, he is half human and half angel. He is the prophesied child, who would re-establish an ancient order of angel assassins. He bears the mark of The Drakim, destined to become a very powerful man and all hell, heaven and everything in between wants a piece of that power. Some will come to take that power for evil, others as leverage to secure their own precarious position of power. There are those, like his brother and a certain suspected renegade archangel called Gabriel, who will do everything in their power to ensure that Jake has a choice.

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