And Now For Something Completely Different edito da Edinburgh University Press
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And Now For Something Completely Different

Critical Approaches To Monty Python





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Descrizione And Now For Something Completely Different

Examining Monty Python's enduring status as an unconventional, anti-authoritarian comedy touchstone, this book reappraises Python's comedy output from the perspective of its fifty years of cultural circulation. Reconsidering the group's originality, impact and durability, a range of international scholars explores Python's influences, production contexts, frequently controversial themes, and the cult status and forms of fandom associated with Python in the present day. From television sketches, including The Funniest Joke in the World, Hell's Grannies, Dead Parrot and Confuse-a-Cat, to the films Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Life of Brian and The Meaning of Life, to songs from the albums and live shows, this book is a ground-breaking critical analysis of the Monty Python phenomenon. Kate Egan is a senior lecturer in film and media at Northumbria University, UK Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock is professor of English at Central Michigan University, USA

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