And I love you, too di Presley E McClevey edito da iUniverse
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And I love you, too

The Story Of Anne And Mac







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Descrizione And I love you, too

This is the story of two people whose lives were on a collision course. Anne Vida and Mac McClevey's accidental run-in marked the beginning of lifelong love. The two married and moved to an historic farm in Stafford County, Virginia, which Anne's family had purchased soon after they emigrated from Austria-Hungary to the United States. Under Anne and Mac's ownership, the farm was protected, preserved, developed, and modernized. Their home, which pre-dates the Civil War, was a source of many years of projects for them. They went from kerosene lanterns to electric lights, outdoor hand pump to indoor running water, outhouse to inside toilet, and clothesline to electric dryer. Their four sons grew up hunting Civil War relics, playing in fields and woods, raising animals and crops, and appreciating history. Over the years, Anne and Mac's farm has been a magnet that draws family together. It is a gathering place that has served five generations who love their relatives, their heritage, and the land staked out for them by their ancestors.

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