Ancient Armada: Book One di Tyler Leslie edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Ancient Armada: Book One

Book One







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Descrizione Ancient Armada: Book One

There have been many wars in human history, many ways in which we have learned to destroy ourselves with noise and flame. For a time however, things remained peaceful. Nations worked together in harmony and mankind was at peace. Now, in the year 2047, a new threat has arisen. A race of sentient and technologically terrible creatures has risen from the depths of planet Earth, attacking mankind in a series of brutal strikes with the aim of completely annihilating humanity. Now, with destruction looming, there are only three beings that can change the course of history. A Marine in training - a man who has little love for his past and a burning desire to set right the wrongs wrought by the invasion. An alien Warlord torn between the duty given him by birthright and his growing conscience. A royal businessman with a Napoleon complex and a penchant for misanthropy. Can the world be saved from this new threat, or will it be the first chapter in the rule of a new dominant race? Only time will tell...

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