Anatomy & Physiology: A Complete Introduction: Teach Yourself di David Le Vay edito da John Murray Press
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Anatomy & Physiology: A Complete Introduction: Teach Yourself





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Descrizione Anatomy & Physiology: A Complete Introduction: Teach Yourself

The human body is a hugely vast and complex mechanism. How does it work and how can we analyse its many processes and functions?Anatomy & Physiology: A Complete Introduction is a comprehensive introduction to the structure and function of the human body. It explains in an easy-to-read manner the essential knowledge needed for learning about human anatomy, including the skeleton, muscle groups, cells and tissues. It provides insight into the physiology and processes associated with the human body such as the nervous and immune systems, digestion, respiration, reproduction and many more. This large format, fully illustrated book also looks at topics related to the subject in detail including sports training and injuries, foodstuffs and vitamins, genetics and the physiological aspects of AIDS. Whether you are preparing for an essay, studying for an exam or simply want to expand your knowledge, Anatomy and Physiology: A Complete Introduction is your go-to guide to the human body. David Le Vay, MS, FRCS, was a consultant surgeon for many years and a well-known author and editor.

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