Analysis On Wi-Fi Signal Booster di Mohd Nazri Ismail, Mohd Afizi Mohd Shukran, Norzaini Ismail edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Analysis On Wi-Fi Signal Booster





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Descrizione Analysis On Wi-Fi Signal Booster

This book is designed to analyse data wifi signal and the comparison with and without antenna. The reason why we chose to do this ¿The Wifi signal booster with frying pan¿ is because overcome numerous problems that have been faced by many individual who rely on the architecture of wireless network in everyday life. Wireless generally means a medium that has no wire, or to be considered a wireless networks, radio waves have to carry the signal at least part of the way. This study was design to concentrate Frying pan or bolic can be used to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal. The existence of these, project students will be exposed to the wireless networking how-tos. The purpose of this project is to develop a low cost wireless booster system using common household items such as a frying pan and user will be able to have access to the internet connection at a location where the signal is not too strong.

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