Analysis of Mangrove Vegetation di Abdul Nabi edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Analysis of Mangrove Vegetation





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Mangrove vegetation was observed along the sheltered places of Andhra Pradesh coastline, coastal backwater formations and the estuarine complex of the Krishna Delta has been studied in detail. Mangrove Ecosystems play an important role in preventing cyclones and tsunamis at estuaries from entering into interior land and in the economic development of local inhabitants. Mangrove plants have special adaptations such as stilt roots, viviparous germination, salt-excreting leaves, breathing roots, knee roots by which these plants survive in water logged anaerobic saline soils. The importance and utility of mangrove ecosystems which provide adequate nutritional values, energy supply and provide the raw materials needed for building houses, producing wood material for making boats, fishing, significantly to social and economic benefit to the people living along the coastline are well-known. Mangrove resources of indigenous population are gradually diminishing due to commercial exploitation. The ecological status of the mangrove vegetation is estimated based on their Diversity, Status, Species Dominance, IVI, MIV, SI, CD, Shannon- Weiner & Simpson Indices and Analysis of variance (ANOVA).

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