Ana - The quiet Death of a Rebel di Cyrill A. Wyss edito da Books on Demand
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Ana - The quiet Death of a Rebel

Part 1 Of The Trilogy Of Novels About The Educational System In A Success-driven Society





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Descrizione Ana - The quiet Death of a Rebel

Ana was no child prodigy. This was a situation her mother wanted to change. The number of children diagnosed as suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is increasing rapidly. For example, in 2011 in the USA 6.4 million children (11% of the total non-adult population) had been diagnosed with ADHD. The rate of ADHD diagnosis increased on average by approximately 5% per year from 2003 to 2011 (US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Switzerland is ranked 6th in the world, just behind the USA ,for the per capita consumption of the psychopharmaceutical Methylphenidat, used to "treat" children diagnosed with ADHD. Many school children are being "calmed down" with powerful and mindchanging psycho-pharmaceuticals. The drugs are claimed to cause better concentration and better performance. Every diagnosis is linked to an individual's personal fate. - Who is gaining here? Who is paying? (Sources and Bibliography in the Appendix.)

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