An Study on Post Service Satisfaction amongst the Toyota Customers di Mohammed Bharmal, Bhoomi Parmar edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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An Study on Post Service Satisfaction amongst the Toyota Customers

A research study on the customers satisfaction on the facilities provided by the authorized dealers of Toyota Motors





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Descrizione An Study on Post Service Satisfaction amongst the Toyota Customers

What is the most important consideration on the part of the customers when they purchase a vehicle? After Sales Services. This report considers one the best Automobile company - Toyota Motors known for its quality, to study the customer satisfaction on the services provided at the service centers. The study is based on five parameters i.e., service quality, Service initiation, Service Facility, Service adviser, and Vehicle Pickup.The study reveals the customer preference whether to service their vehicle at the authorized service center during and/or after the warranty period, feedback of the customer on the service provided by the Toyota authorized service center.

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