An Inspector Calls the Graphic Novel: Original Text edito da CLASSICAL COMICS
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An Inspector Calls the Graphic Novel: Original Text





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Descrizione An Inspector Calls the Graphic Novel: Original Text

On a spring evening in 1912, in the English town of Brumley, the wealthy Birling family is celebrating the engagement of their daughter Sheila to Gerald Croft, son of Sir George and Lady Croft. It is a joyous occasion, but their pleasant party takes a turn for the worse when they receive an unexpected visit from a police inspector investigating the suicide of a young woman. Surely none of these respectable people could have anything to do with her sad fate……or could they?J. B. Priestley’s An Inspector Calls is a masterpiece of English drama. Written toward the end of World War II, it cleverly combines an intriguing plot line with insightful social commentary and superb characterization, resulting in a truly thought-provoking piece of theater.Featuring the entire original script, this full color graphic novel of Priestley’s wonderful drama will give you a reading experience that will live with you forever.

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