An Independent Thinker Growing in Shells di Solatle Lu edito da New Generation Publishing
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An Independent Thinker Growing in Shells

An Autobiography





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Descrizione An Independent Thinker Growing in Shells

Solatle Lu - an ordinary oriental, an author of several extraordinary books. Is he an independent thinker, or only a misfit? From this book, his own sketch book, you may find the answer for yourself. People gloat that "philosophy is dead", but he is sparing no effort to revive it, and successfully so. In the rush to pay tribute and lay flowers before scientists, man has overreached his capacity to build a new kingdom of science to replace the old one. The world has moved towards nihilism, vulgarity and mediocrity, while Solatle Lu continues to devote himself to the creation of beauty and goodness. The world has entered an age of entertainment and amusement, and he continues to sing the praises of the sublime, the greatness and the eternity. In defiance of the shadow of doom everywhere, he is committed to writing our way towards the ideal world. Here he points out that it isn't knowledge but wisdom that offers the broadest avenue for mankind, and the power of beauty and goodness it provides is invincible.

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