An Heir Comes To Rise di C.C. Penaranda edito da Lumarias Press
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An Heir Comes To Rise





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Descrizione An Heir Comes To Rise

In a clash of steel, a mortal body may fall. But in a clash of dreams, a powerful heir may rise.A SWORD...In the impoverished outer town of a kingdom where fae outrank humans, Faythe, an orphan with a talent for swordplay, knows the importance of keeping her head down around the fae patrol. She and best friend Jakon long for a better life, and her desire to swing her sword in combat may bring the purpose and coin she's yearned for. A DREAM...When she draws the attention of royal guard Nik, she soon learns that her mortal nature isn't the only reason to remain out of sight. Nik is a Nightwalker, a silent assassin of the mind with the power to enter others' dreams, and whether she trusts him or not, he's about to awaken abilities in Faythe that shouldn't exist in a human. Nightmarish abilities. Deadly abilities. Abilities that will teach Faythe blood really does run thicker than water...and if she doesn't trust in higher powers soon, blood will run indeed.AN HEIR...For this is no battle Faythe can fight with steel. Within the city walls, suspicions are arising, and here in the outer town she has deeper bonds to protect. It seems everyone will die with a dark secret to tell, but what if one unlikely human girl was born harboring the darkest secret of all...?Fans of THRONE OF GLASS and RED QUEEN will enjoy this first instalment in a gripping new fantasy series that portrays the unbreakable strength of friendship, the struggle for honor, and the ache of sacrifice.

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