An Energy Dance With Life di Cynthia D Chamness edito da iUniverse
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An Energy Dance With Life

A View to Energy Work and Spiritual Communication







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Descrizione An Energy Dance With Life

When author Cynthia Chamness was thirty-five years old, she was struck by a car while crossing a busy Florida highway. She was paralyzed. But she realized there are no accidents in life and that everything happens for a reason. That accident was her wake-up call. In An Energy Dance with Life, Chamness discusses her healing-both spiritual and physical-and the techniques that helped her to achieve a better life. By working with our conscious, subconscious, and superconscious minds, we can become more balanced and healed, both spiritually and materially. An Energy Dance with Life focuses on how you can feel good in life. The insights include: Determining what is real and what is true Seeking balance with your essence in human form Using the superconscious mind Discovering life's true purpose Knowing more of your inner self and inner band of spirit guides Living for peace of mind and a balanced life Let your visions be real and full of life and joy, and you will find full alignment with the universe. Enjoy the ride. Find a way to feel good because it is good to feel good.

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