An American Association for State & Local History Guide to Making Public History edito da Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
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An American Association for State & Local History Guide to Making Public History





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Descrizione An American Association for State & Local History Guide to Making Public History

Gain insight into history organizations of all shapes and sizes in this book, which addresses the opportunities and challenges of public historians' work through the prism of the past, present, and future of our communities and institutions, as well as the public history field itself. Featuring essays from some of the leading thinkers in the profession, this book not only looks at major themes as they relate to historians' work but also inspires creativity in how they approach their work in an institutional and personal sense. The themes themselves are important, but even more important are the articles (presented here as chapters) that amplify the overarching themes. Chapters discuss in-depth and through real-world examples, the work of history organizations. They specifically focus on the challenges and opportunities that are important to any nonprofit (or small business)-entrepreneurship, change, transformation, possibility/opportunity, partnerships-but also those unique to history organizations, leverage the asset of history to: explore place, commemorate the past (and therefore better understand the present), demonstrate how it is people who make history, and discern how to use the past to chart the future. Together, An American Association for State and Local History Guide to Making Public History provides a roadmap of the national discussions the field of history museums and organizations is having regarding its present and the future.

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