American Notes di Charles Dickens edito da Bottom of the Hill Publishing
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American Notes





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Descrizione American Notes

American Notes is Charles Dickens' detailing his trip to North America. While traveling he acted as a critical observer of North American society. His American journey was an inspiration for his novel Martin Chuzzlewit. "My readers have opportunities of judging for themselves whether the influences and tendencies which I distrusted in America, had, at that time, any existence but in my imagination. They can examine for themselves whether there has been anything in the public career of that country since, at home or abroad, which suggests that those influences and tendencies really did exist. As they find the fact, they will judge me. "Prejudiced, I am not, and never have been, otherwise than in favour of the United States. I have many friends in America, I feel a grateful interest in the country, I hope and believe it will successfully work out a problem of the highest importance to the whole human race. To represent me as viewing AMERICA with ill-nature, coldness, or animosity, is merely to do a very foolish thing: which is always a very easy one."

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