American Fairy Tales: From the Author of the Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum, Comes 12 Legendary Fables, Fantasies, and Folk di L. Frank Baum, The Wizard of Oz, Lyman Frank Baum edito da MEGALODON ENTERTAINMENT LLC
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American Fairy Tales: From the Author of the Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum, Comes 12 Legendary Fables, Fantasies, and Folk

From The Author Of The Wizard Of Oz, L. Frank Baum, Comes 12 Legendary Fables, Fantasies, And Folk Tales





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Descrizione American Fairy Tales: From the Author of the Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum, Comes 12 Legendary Fables, Fantasies, and Folk

From the vivid imagination of L. Frank Baum, the visionary who created the legendary Wizard of Oz series, comes American Fairy Tales, a collection of 12 modern fables and fantasies. These magnificent stories are doorways into fantastic settings beyond the dreams of most. Baum took us over the rainbow into the wonderful land of Oz; now join him on other fantastic adventures including The Box of Robbers, The Glass Dog, The Queen of Quok, The Girl Who Owned A Bear, The Enchanted Types, The Laughing Hippopotamus, The Magic Bon Bons, The Capture of Father Time, The Wonderful Pump, The Dummy that Lived, The King of The Polar Bears, and The Mandarin and The Butterfly. They are fantastic, one-of-a-kind fairy tales that could only come from the mind of this renowned storyteller.

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€ 11.71
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