The Amendment di John J Fitzgerald edito da iUniverse
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The Amendment

A Novel







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Descrizione The Amendment

While visiting a mental institution in upstate New York, a Catholic priest encounters a strange patient by the name of Jude Thaddeus. For some unknown reason Jude has been incarcerated and heavily sedated for many years. In a brief encounter with Father Mulrooney, Jude secretly passes an ingeniously disguised hand written manuscript. This political thriller reveals the greatest conspiracy in American history. Jude a former Wall Street power broker and a potential grandmaster had the chess skill and financial backing to set in motion an intricately crafted scheme, to fulfill the life long presidential dream of Nelson Rockefeller. The key to Jude's strategy was an amendment to the U.S. constitution. Also included in this captivating saga were manipulated elections, the oil crises, the Watergate setup, and other true historical events. This fascinating narrative seamlessly weaves fact with fiction. From the opening page to the final line, this is a storyteller's novel. Is this the imagination of a lunatic, or did this really happen? That's what the reader is left to ponder.

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