Amazing Phrase Mazes: Volume Five di Joe Clark edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Amazing Phrase Mazes: Volume Five





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Descrizione Amazing Phrase Mazes: Volume Five

A Phrase Maze(R) is a new kind of word puzzle with unique features. Many interesting topics and themes are covered and the solver is rewarded with a satisfying sense of discovery. Phrase Mazes can be enjoyed without pencils, erasers or dictionaries and are chock-full of humor, wisdom, and food for thought. "Amazing Phrase Mazes" is filled with brain-stimulating challenges, thought-provoking fun and countless hours of entertainment. "Amazing Phrase Mazes" Expert Editions can be used for both competitive and cooperative word puzzle solving. This may be done by individuals or groups whether face-to-face or in different locations. Not having solutions in the book keeps everyone on a level playing field since there's no peeking at answers. When every letter inside the Maze is used, the solvers will all know the correct solution.

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