I Am a Tree di Sanders Wofford Anderson edito da Christian Faith Publishing, Inc
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I Am a Tree

O' If I Could Talk, This is What I Would Say: The Salvation Story as Told by Trees





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Descrizione I Am a Tree

This story of God's love, told by trees, is simply written and illustrated with beautiful pictures. The absolute best gift a child can receive is the gift of eternal life. This gift can only be received by accepting the truth that every person is a sinner and Jesus died for the sins of the entire world. There is an immeasurable value in children coming to know about God, experiencing God, and the story of His Son at an early age. This story tells how sin came into the world, the impact sin has on the world, and the answer to our sin problem: Jesus. Preschoolers will enjoy the pictures and the individual Bible stories told from the viewpoint of trees. Beginner readers will find the stories fun and easy to read.

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