I Am My Father's Child di Antoinette Penick edito da Dlg Publishing
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I Am My Father's Child

In His Presence I Am Free





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Descrizione I Am My Father's Child

Life is our story as well as our testimony. We all know; there's the Beginning which is our Birth and there's the End which is our Death and somewhere in the Middle is our Life. With every new phase of my life I found myself hiding hurt, shame and pain behind a mask of certainty; that though I may not have had control over my circumstances; my circumstances did not have control over me. I refused to become its victim or its prey. It's only because of God's Grace and Mercy that I don't look like what I've been through. The security that a little girl feels when she looks up into her father's eyes was taken from me when my father died. Loyalty was misplaced by my mother with every new man she brought into her life to replace him. Fathers; raise your sons to become men and love your daughters so that they know just how precious they are. Mothers; raise your daughters to become women and love your sons so that they will know just how important they are.

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