Come Along, Volume Two di Jacinta Respondowska edito da Hamilton Books
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Come Along, Volume Two

We Are Truth-bound

Come Along




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Descrizione Come Along, Volume Two

Quest for Confirmation, the second volume of the series Come Along: We Are Truth-Bound, is a cross-examination of the concepts derived in Volume One, A Dialogue and Dialectic: Bridging the Great Epistemic Divides. The cross-examination is conducted by means of a dialogue with a representative thinker from each of the related bodies of knowledge. The study reveals reality to be an intricate, harmoniously-integrated whole and terminates in "An Epistemological Atlas" that depicts the major processes of human knowledge in their application to different disciplines. The process itself exposes the latter to be the stepping stones of our mind's ascent to the ultimate truth. In light of this understanding, the unresolved controversies in philosophy gain a new degree of clarity and reveal their relevance to human life. This volume, a work in epistemology that encompasses human knowledge in general, lends itself to different courses but is of special significance to philosophy, theology, and physics.

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