Come Along di Jacinta Respondowska edito da Hamilton Books
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Come Along

We Are Truth-bound

Come Along




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Descrizione Come Along

Come Along is an attempt to respond to the contemporary crises in the world with the intention of discovering the path to peace and happiness, which every human heart craves. Since they are seen as a consequence of being true to our human nature, answers to the perennial questions of philosophy are of paramount importance. And since the latter are rooted in and stem from the heart of reality, which from time immemorial has received irreconcilable interpretations, inquiry into reality is the major undertaking of this volume. Respondowska's study terminates in a system of thought. By discovering the truth of reality as well as the answers to the perennial questions regarding one's life on the one hand, and the reasons for the crises in our time on the other, those who struggle thus find the path that leads to genuine happiness

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