Alone! di Anonymous edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Descrizione Alone!

No matter what race, religious belief, age, sex, employment status, or position in society you hold, everyone has had to endure hardship and pain at some point in their lives. I¿m not saying that my story has any more tragedy than that of a hundred million other people, but I am going to prove to you that time does not heal all wounds. Have you ever wondered about ¿those¿ people who you have always considered to be ¿weird¿ or¿odd¿? You might find them in your workplace, on a train, at the supermarket ¿ in fact, just about anywhere! Yoüve given them funny names, you insult them behind their backs, and yet you won¿t commit yourself to understanding how they became that way. They are insular, rarely smile, are defensive, never attend the office parties, know lots of irrelevant statistics and can be a little offensive in their own ignorant way. They live ¿in a world of their own¿ and treat their pets better than their neighbours and occupy their time with seemingly trivial pastimes that cost them obscene amounts of money. Are they crazy? I challenge you to pick up this book, read it and bear witness to the story behind one of those people, for there might be something to learn about your neighbours ¿ or maybe even yourself!

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