Allie Ooop di Cee McBride edito da iUniverse
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Allie Ooop







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Descrizione Allie Ooop

"...a wonderful, cross country voyage." -Sandi Fisher, Minnesota Romance Reader "...keeps you reading no matter how busy you are!" -Jennifer Dees, Nevada Romance Reader Allie Bradford and little Gretchen exchange the desert sage of Northern Nevada for the plentiful cornfields of Southern Minnesota. Can a woman go back to the comfortable life she knew as a teen in order to move on? Leaving behind her deceased husband's family in Carson City and her's in Reno, she and Gretchen start anew in rumor relished Albert Lea. After purchasing a quaint little fixer-upper, Allie takes a poke at food serving and self discovery while she and Gretchen get acquainted with their garden grooming, guidance giving cousins. But their plan of quietly blending in, is disrupted by inimitable residents, a handsome man from the past, unexpected tornadoes and the swift paced transition from happily wedded wife to single, widowed power-mom. Allie Ooop is a sassy American romance garnished with comedy, originality and the trials and tribulations of a beautiful woman's struggle to find her place, raise a spirited toddler, digest the oddities of uncanny locals and win the irritating man of her dreams. All the while finding the strength to let go of the past and embrace a future she never wanted.

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