Allah Has Created Everything In Pairs! di AL-HAJ KARR SHABAZZ edito da Lightning Source Uk Ltd
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Allah Has Created Everything In Pairs!

Allah's Guidance Study Guide 14





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Descrizione Allah Has Created Everything In Pairs!

Pairs here does not only imply pairs of men and women, among human beings, and of males and females, among animals and vegetation. There are countless other things, which the Creator has made as matching partners of each other, and by whose coming together in combination new, and ever newer things come into being, in the world. For example, among the elements, some can be combined with others, and some cannot be combined. The combination of those, which can be combined results in various compositions. For example the negative and positive charges in electricity are the matching partners of each other, and their mutual attraction causes wonderful things to happen in the world. If man considers the structure, the mutual relationships, the different forms of cooperation, and the results of the combination of this, and other countless pairs, which Allah has created among countless of His creations, he cannot help testifying to the truth. This great workshop of the world is the creation of the One and only one Almighty, All-Wise Designer, and is functioning only under His care and control. Only a man of low intelligence could suppose that all this happened, and is happening, without a Wise Being, or, that there is the possibility in it of the agency, and interference of more than one God.

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