Aliens and Cowboys di Jefferson Lang edito da iUniverse
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Aliens and Cowboys

(bush's Legacy Of Lies)







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Descrizione Aliens and Cowboys

In the first four years the Bush White House allowed a former lobbyist for the American Petroleum Institute to re-write a government report on global warming, editing out scientific conclusions he didn't like. Bush's Interior Department offered to overpay a wealthy Republican donor for oil and gas rights on Everglades land that the government already owns. The Pentagon's inspector general released a report on a lucrative Air Force contract for Boeing that cost too much for planes the military didn't want. Perhaps the White House pushed for the contract because Boeing was a generous contributor to the Bush/Cheney reelection campaign? Former big tobacco employees now working as Bush officials at the Justice Department reduced its settlement request with the tobacco industry from $130 billion to $10 billion. Echoes of Watergate fill the air with names like Enron, Halliburton, and Jeff Gannon (a gay prostitute) being linked to the White House. Bush's failures include lying about Weapons of Mass Destruction to justify the Iraq War, soaring gas prices, privatizing social security, and granting amnesty to illegal Aliens. The press has mostly buried the failures of this administration. But that's no surprise during the past four years the press has been missing in action. Aliens and Cowboys tells the truth about George W. Bush proving he's the most corrupt president since Richard M. Nixon.

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