The Alice Cooper Story di McCuller Dora McCuller edito da Authorhouse
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The Alice Cooper Story







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Descrizione The Alice Cooper Story

The conventional elevation of sex has reached an ongoing attitude since the 1970's and becomes more divulging everyday. We often hear about the molestation, incest and torments within families, but never really takes it into deep thoughts. There are over ten thousand rape cases in the USA per day. Those are just the cases that are on file. Can you guess how many cases that does not make it to the files? Can you guess how many cases involve family members such as, Aunts, Uncles, Mothers, and Fathers, Sisters or brothers? Molestation is proven to be an abuse that scars a person for life and it's even more traumatizing as a child. It tends to leave a child confused if that child does not grow up to believe it's a normal act. Normally the victim is brainwashed to believe they are just as much of a culprit as the perpetrator, so that child grows ashamed to tell anyone. Most cases it's the father raping the daughters using his own daunting tasks to make the daughter feel like she is more to blame than he. What if an entire family of all girls longed for the love from their deceased mother, but only received the abuse from their sick father and those girls will challenged each other for their father's affection and attention?

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