Algebraic Geometry - Open Problems edito da Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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Algebraic Geometry - Open Problems

Proceedings of the Conference held in Ravello, May 31 - June 5, 1982





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Descrizione Algebraic Geometry - Open Problems

On degeneration of projective curves.- Varietes rationnelles et unirationnelles.- Conic bundles on non-rational surfaces.- Moduli of surfaces of general type.- On a proof of Torelli's theorem.- Two examples of algebraic threefolds whose hyperplane sections are Enriques surfaces.- On the Brill-Noether theorem.- Properties of Arakelov's intersection product.- On nodal curves.- About the enumeration of contacts.- Un probleme du type Brill-Noether pour les fibres vectoriels.- On the construction of rational surfaces with assigned singularities.- Postulation des courbes gauches.- Projective geometry of elliptic curves.- Linkage of general curves of large degree.- Some problems and results on finite sets of points in ?n.- Homogeneous bundles in characteristic p.- The group of sections on a rational elliptic surface.- On the Kodaira dimension of the Siegel modular variety.- Generalized hilbert functions of Cohen-Macaulay varieties.- Some curves in ?3 are set-theoretic complete intersections.- Constructing enriques surfaces from quintics in P K 3 .- Prym surfaces and a Siegel modular threefold.

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