The Alef-bet Of Death Dying As A Jew di Rabbi Ariel Stone edito da
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The Alef-bet Of Death Dying As A Jew

A Guide For The Dying Out Of Jewish Traditional Sources






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Descrizione The Alef-bet Of Death Dying As A Jew

Dying is not a moment at the end of life, but instead a path lined with opportunities to reflect, explore, and contemplate. In an insightful guidebook on the meaning of death, Rabbi Ariel Stone shares spiritual commentary, Jewish stories, and other writings that provide information and inspiration about the process of death as seen through the prism of Jewish learning and culture. Through stories of those who have gone before us and a step-by-step process that addresses the spiritual significance of death, Stone offers ways to think, feel, and wonder about death while inviting the dying to overcome fears and view the end of earthly life as an opportunity to repent, reflect on the influence we have upon others, and find peace as our light merges with the eternal light. "The Alef-Bet of Death: Dying as a Jew" is a valuable guide that teaches the meaning of death in the Jewish tradition while offering clarity, light, and comfort to those walking the often vague and dark path to dying.

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