Albania's Foreign Policy in Transition: Since 1990 di Manjola Hoxha edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Albania's Foreign Policy in Transition: Since 1990

Since 1990





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Foreign policy studies usually focus on explain, understanding and analyses of foreign policy process and attitudes of strong countries to other countries. The main idea of this study is to understand the transition history of Albanian Foreign Policy since 1990 and analyze changes and benefits of foreign policy that has undergone as a result of this transition period. Moreover at that time Albania despite carrying on her shoulder the name as a small country wished to be effective player in the Balkan region. A small country like Albania, which was once a member of Warsaw Pact, supporter and implementer of communist ideology, now a member of the largest military alliance, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and a candidate for the European Union (EU) membership. All these colossal changes from a closed country to a country with open policy, from a country with communist ideology to a country with capitalist ideology have made Albania to exceed a transition which although 20 years that has been initiated but has not yet completed.

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