Air Pollution and Health Effects edito da Springer London
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Air Pollution and Health Effects





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Descrizione Air Pollution and Health Effects

Exposure to ambient air pollutants, both indoors and outdoors has been associated with the exacerbation and also in the etiology of diverse human diseases. This book offers an overview of our current understanding of air pollution health risks and how this knowledge is being used in the regulatory, therapeutic intervention measures to protect the public health and reduce the disease burden caused by acute and long-term exposure to air pollutants. Air Pollution and Health Effects provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of air pollution health risks, morbidity and the global disease burden, whilst also delivering critical review on state of the art research so as to gain a fundamental understanding of the biological mechanisms involved in the etiology of air pollution-induced diseases. Chapters range from pregnancy outcomes and pre-term birth, carcinogens in the ambient aerosol and the health consequences of indoor biomass burning. Special emphasis is placed on regional and local air pollution and its impact on global health along with suitable preventive and interventional measures. With contributions from international experts in the field this volume is a valuable guide for researchers and clinicians in toxicology, medicine and public health as well as industry and government regulatory scientists involved in health protection.

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