AIDS and the Kidney edito da New Generation Publishing
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AIDS and the Kidney





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Descrizione AIDS and the Kidney

Is the increased susceptibility of blacks to kidney failure from HIV-AIDS explained by biology or socioeconomic variables? Is kidney failure an early or late complication of HIV infection? Are there receptors for HIV in kidney tissue and is the kidney a major reservoir for the virus? Is acute renal failure an inevitable consequence of drug treatment in HIV disease? Should kidney or solid organ transplantation be offered to patients with HIV infection? Can HIV-associated nephrotherapy be prevented or reversed by drug therapy and has HAART eradicated pediatric HIV nephrotherapy? What is the level of risk to staff and other patients in dialysis facilities that treat HIV-infected patients? These questions and other critical issues are addressed in-depth by some of the world's leading basic scientists and clinician researchers in kidney disorders of HIV-AIDS.

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