Agricultural Information Networks of Farm Woman in Southern Ethiopia di Deribe Kaske edito da LAP Lambert Acad. Publ.
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Agricultural Information Networks of Farm Woman in Southern Ethiopia

The Role of Agricultural Extension





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Ethiopian rural women make significant contribution to agriculture and are the mainstay of the farm labor. They work in all aspects of agriculture. In addition to their active engagement in agriculture, women are responsible for all household chores. Despite their immense contribution to the agriculture, rural women often face difficulties than men in gaining access to agricultural information. There is, therefore, an alarming need to improve agricultural extension work with the rural women. Therefore, this book provides facts about the agricultural information network of farm women; factors influencing farm women¿s information network output and the constraints and opportunities of extension services in reaching out to women in Southern EthiopiaThe findings can help in guiding those who are working in extension organizations to bring rural transformation, and it also helps policy makers and development planners who are concerned about gender issue while planning and designing agricultural projects.

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