The Aging World di Anil Bagchi edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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The Aging World







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Descrizione The Aging World

The world is full of disparities where graying appears as a new social element. The demographic change, along with the differences in wealth and knowledge will greatly influence the future. Globalization will be faster and the knowledge network stronger. The slender family and the empty home will see growth of new human emotions, which will break away from the confines of biological compulsions. Remaining in touch with the planetary network will be the way of the future man. Working for the network will be his purpose of life. The Aging World is an exploration of the developing challenge. The future will not happen, it will have to be created in the close world. The billion strong elderly will have to join the mainstream economy, as the age-integrated society will not afford their leisure. Prof. Ranjit Kumar Chandra, the noted immunologist writes: Humans are complex organisms; their evolution is a result of complex interactions of genes and environment. Bagchi has attempted the almost impossible task of looking at the interplay of history, demography, macroeconomics and sociology and its impact on the aging of world populations. His analyses appear convincing. It will be interesting to watch how his predictions will unfold in reality.

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