Agency Work In Slovak Republic di Marek Vec, Andrea Ol Ovska edito da Grin Verlag Gmbh
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Agency Work In Slovak Republic





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Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2013 in the subject Law - Civil / Private / Industrial / Labour, , language: English, abstract: Agency work is considered to be one of the essential tools of the modern labour market that allows employers to flexibly respond to the changed economic conditions depending on greater or lower labour needs. As a progressively developing segment of the European labour market, agency work should provide a certain level of benefits both to the employer and the employees. However, in the Slovak Republic, agency work is becoming a problematic phenomenon in labour law protection of employees as well as in the social security system. Certain practices on the part of some agencies create a fundamental market distortion in the Slovak Republic. These include - circumvention of legal provisions regarding employment relationship for an indefinite period as the basic labour law relation, paying part of agency workers¿ wages in the form of travel reimbursements without there being any actual change in the place of performance of work, or failing to secure adequate work conditions, for example with regard to occupational safety and health protection at work.

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