The Age of the Imperfect Leader di Pawan Verma edito da Rupa Publications
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The Age of the Imperfect Leader

A book that demystifies the complexities of leadership success!





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Descrizione The Age of the Imperfect Leader

With a down-to-earth approach, leadership expert and practitioner Pawan Verma goes beyond the rhetoric associated with leadership and makes the unequivocal suggestion that you should have the courage to be imperfect and if you try to be good at everything, you'd never be great at anything. How's that for a change? In a powerful narrative enriched with examples from great leaders, The Age of the Imperfect Leader debunks the myth of perfect leaders. The book identifies the key secrets of leadership success in the modern world: discovering your strengths and investing in these areas, focusing on the strengths of your team members instead of their weaknesses, making your leadership team well-rounded, being a principled pragmatist and creating the eco-system needed for success in the contemporary world.

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