African Gems di Chuck Eric Pearce edito da Guardian Books

African Gems





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Descrizione African Gems

Step back into an era when missionaries literally blazed new trails into a world of spiritual darkness and cultural unknowns. Following the life and times of Anne Schumacher traveling from North America to South Africa and the five harrowing years spent on the mission field will rivet you to your seat, as she seemingly moves from one death defying experience to another. The exhilaration of seeing God's miraculous hand at work is undeniable and the sense of His ever-present spirit in Anne's life will encourage and uplift readers. About the Author: The journey of life has seen Chuck Pearce travel the world and experience the good, the bad and the ugly that this life has to offer. Through it all his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the compass that directs his life's path. Chuck's wife of thirty-six years, his three adult daughters and four grandchildren are gifts from the Lord he cherishes every day.

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