African American History Coloring Book di Munay Ki edito da Munay Ki
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African American History Coloring Book

Black Rebel Girls - Fearless Inspirational and Bold Women in Black History and Today


Munay Ki



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Descrizione African American History Coloring Book

Are you looking for an inspirational and educational coloring book for your little girls? Do you want to learn more about incredible black women throughout history? Then this book is for you! This brilliant coloring book showcases the amazing achievements of 65 black women, providing beautiful and high-quality illustrations to unlock your creativity and fuel your imagination. Containing an easy-to-understand description about each woman, as well as amazing backgrounds. Heroines can be politicians, activists, philosophers, warriors, artists, or musicians, but most of all they are inspiring! This relaxing coloring book is the perfect way to familiarize yourself with the achievements of black women in history and today, while spending time on a fun and playful activity for relaxation and stress relief - a wonderful non-screen activity to enjoy while learning. The world is full of many great black women -black rebel girls- who changed the course of history and are making history today but many of them go unnoticed and unrecognized, let's change that and show the world that black girls matter! Because of their contributions and being brave to go after their dreams, they are rightfully considered heroines by not just black people around the world, but people of all backgrounds. They are inspiring women who dare to dream big. Men and Women included: Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, Coretta Scott King, Angela Davis, Serena and Venus Williams, Viola Davis, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Marian Wright Edelman, Whitney Houston, Halle Berry, Condoleezza Rice, Sheila Johnson, Maya Angelou, Dorothy Height, Aretha Franklin, Dr. Ruth J. Simmons, Vanessa Williams, Diahann Carroll, Lupita Nyong'o, Marie Van Britton Brown, Naomi Sims, Beyonce, Janet Collins, Ava DuVernay, Wilma Rudolph, Toni Morrison, Dr. Mae Jemison, Zora Neale Hurston, Oprah Winfrey, Gertrude Rainey, Madame C.J. Walker, Faye Wattleton, Susan Rice, Billie Holiday, Funnie Lou Hamer, Misty Copeland, Nina Simone, Lisa Price, Ida B. Wells, Althea Gibson, Janice Bryant Howroyd, Naomi Sims, Hatti McDainels, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Mosely Braun, Marian Anderson, Mo'ne Davis, Gwendolyn Brooks, Marva Collins, Debbie Allen, Ruby Dee, Shirley Franklin, Terry McMillan, Lorraine Hansberry, Loretta Lynch, Barbara Jordan, Bree Newsome, Sojourner Truth, Gwen Jimmere, Mary Jane McLeod Bethune, Assata Shakur, Gabby Douglas, Henrietta Lacks, Tyra Banks.

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