Africa: A Caged Continent di John Chakanga Mupala edito da LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
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Africa: A Caged Continent





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Descrizione Africa: A Caged Continent

"Africa: A Caged Continent" by Professor John C. Mupala is a profound exploration of Africa's history, unraveling the intricate chains that have confined the continent. From the colonial legacies and broken promises of independence to the economic exploitation and cultural distortions, the book navigates through the complexities of Africa's past. It delves into grassroots movements, civil society dynamics, and the paradoxes of leadership, examining the continent's struggle for genuine autonomy. The narrative extends to the contemporary neo-colonial web, exploring external influences and the challenges of navigating a globalized world. With a reflective gaze on broken promises and a quest for genuine independence, the book culminates in an optimistic call for liberation, urging Africa to reclaim its agency and chart a future defined by autonomy, dignity, and true self-determination.

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