AFIKOMEN . . . I AM Come! The Final Chapter of the Afikomen Series di Dennis Knotts edito da Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency, LLC
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AFIKOMEN . . . I AM Come! The Final Chapter of the Afikomen Series





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Descrizione AFIKOMEN . . . I AM Come! The Final Chapter of the Afikomen Series

THE INVASION OF PLANET EARTH! It was the greatest military campaign in the history of the universe. Once the initial plan was conceived and perfected, it took six thousand years to execute. The final phase involved seven years of giving up territory. The final assault would last mere minutes, but the war to reclaim a captured planet would succeed. So confident were the planners and designers of this campaign that they leaked the entire plan for all to see and study. No matter what counter plans the enemy put into place, the Master Plan would defeat the enemy, secure the planet, and liberate its inhabitants forever. This is the final chapter in the Afikomen Series, the last three-and-a-half years of man's dominion over the world. All the prophecies come true, as the world races towards judgment or redemption. Which will it be?

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