The Adventures Of Umphy The Umgum di Mara D Johnson edito da Xlibris
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The Adventures Of Umphy The Umgum







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Mara D. Johnson is a retired elementary and middle school teacher. She taught in the District of Columbia Public School System for 33 years. She won the Outstanding Teacher Award for the school year of 2001-2002, as well as, Th e Teacher To Teacher Award twice, once in 1992 and again in 1995. During her teaching career she assumed the positions as a mentor teacher, curriculum specialist, building resource teacher, multicultural chair person, served on the textbook and personnel committees, and was a consultant with the Maryland Public Television Annenberg/CPB Literature Project #2 & #3. Mrs. Johnson was born and educated in Washington, D.C. She has a B.S. in Elementary Education from D.C. Teacher's College, a masters degree in Reading from the University of the District of Columbia and has a certificate in Middle School Foundations from National Lewis University. She has one son who is an Art Director. She and her husband live in Washington, D.C.

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