The Adventures of a Cape Cod Pet Sitter di Kathy Reynolds edito da Covenant Books
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The Adventures of a Cape Cod Pet Sitter





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Descrizione The Adventures of a Cape Cod Pet Sitter

When I first began my journey as a pet sitter in Falmouth on Cape Cod, I had no idea where the journey would lead me. Pet sitting involves visits to clients' homes, giving peace of mind to pet owners, and eliminates the trauma that many pets experience when they are boarded in an unfamiliar environment. I believe pets are God's example to us of unconditional love. If we could be half as loving, loyal, trusting, and awesome as pets, we would really be doing something. Much to my surprise, in the past fifteen years my earnings have exceeded $300,000. Much more than income though, was the satisfaction and love I received in return from fur friends.

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