The Adventures Of Angel di Hahn Ross Alan Hahn edito da Archway Publishing
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The Adventures Of Angel

A Kitten's Story





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Descrizione The Adventures Of Angel

When Mamakitty's newest kitten is born, the owners of the New England farm where they live are away on a short vacation, and the kitten comes into the world in the sock drawer of a bedroom dresser. The farmer and his wife return to find the tiny, perfectly white kitten with her mother, and they name her Angel. From then on, Angel has many kitten lessons. Indoors, she learns to walk, where not to take a nap, and that kittens and hair driers just don't mix. Exploring outdoors, she gets chased by hummingbirds, meets the kittens who live in the barn and learns new games to play. As she grows older and gets bigger, Angel has a series of adventures that teach her about the importance of friendship, self-confidence, and bravery-even in the face of a deadly enemy, a fox. In this novel, a kitten grows from a newborn to adolescence, faces challenges and learns many important lessons while getting to know the amazing world around her.

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