Advanced Techniques for Embedded Systems Design and Test di Roman Hermida, Walter Geisselhardt edito da Springer US
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Advanced Techniques for Embedded Systems Design and Test


Springer US





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Descrizione Advanced Techniques for Embedded Systems Design and Test

As electronic technology reaches the point where complex systems can be integrated on a single chip, and higher degrees of performance can be achieved at lower costs, designers must devise new ways to undertake the laborious task of coping with the numerous, and non-trivial, problems that arise during the conception of such systems. On the other hand, shorter design cycles (so that electronic products can fit into shrinking market windows) put companies, and consequently designers, under pressure in a race to obtain reliable products in the minimum period of time. New methodologies, supported by automation and abstraction, have appeared which have been crucial in making it possible for system designers to take over the traditional electronic design process and embedded systems is one of the fields that these methodologies are mainly targeting. The inherent complexity of these systems, with hardware and software components that usually execute concurrently, and the very tight cost and performance constraints, make them specially suitable to introduce higher levels of abstraction and automation, so as to allow the designer to better tackle the many problems that appear during their design. Advanced Techniques for Embedded Systems Design and Test is a comprehensive book presenting recent developments in methodologies and tools for the specification, synthesis, verification, and test of embedded systems, characterized by the use of high-level languages as a road to productivity. Each specific part of the design process, from specification through to test, is looked at with a constant emphasis on behavioral methodologies. Advanced Techniques for Embedded Systems Design and Test is essential reading for all researchers in the design and test communities as well as system designers and CAD tools developers.

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