Advanced Geotechnical and Structural Engineering in the Design and Performance of Sustainable Civil Infrastructures edito da Springer International Publishing
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Advanced Geotechnical and Structural Engineering in the Design and Performance of Sustainable Civil Infrastructures

Proceedings of the 6th GeoChina International Conference on Civil & Transportation Infrastructures: From Engineering to Smart & Green Life Cycle Solut





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Descrizione Advanced Geotechnical and Structural Engineering in the Design and Performance of Sustainable Civil Infrastructures

This book covers different geotechnical and structural engineering topics applied to buildings, power grid infrastructures, hydroelectric projects, bridges, and transport infrastructures. The book contains research data useful for researchers and practitioners to support the sustainable design, building, operation, and maintenance of civil infrastructures. The papers included in this book were selected from the 6th GeoChina International Conference on Civil & Transportation Infrastructures: From Engineering to Smart & Green Life Cycle Solutions.

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