Advanced Designed Phthalocyanine Materials for Nonlinear Optics di Tamer Ezzat Youssef edito da Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften AG  Co. KG
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Advanced Designed Phthalocyanine Materials for Nonlinear Optics

Novel Designed Phthalocyanines and their possibilities to use as Optical Limiters





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Descrizione Advanced Designed Phthalocyanine Materials for Nonlinear Optics

I invited world-recognized scientists who are specialists in design and synthesis of phthalocyanine materials field to contribute specific chapters to this monograph. This was in order to cover major aspects of non-linear optics from the fundamentals to various applications. The monograph in general presents a balanced and informative description of progress in molecular non- linear optics, includes the preparation of stable phthalocyanine material systems like actual nonlinear materials, building of a knowledge base and an intuitive understanding of structure/function relationships in simple molecular systems. Dr.rer.nat.Tamer E. Youssef

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