Advanced Biomaterials for Medical Applications edito da Springer Netherlands
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Advanced Biomaterials for Medical Applications





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Descrizione Advanced Biomaterials for Medical Applications

Biomaterials science has advanced dramatically in the past 50 years with the increased cooperation between engineers chemists and biologists. Whilst previously biomaterials may have been erroneously thought to encompass dressing materials or implant structures designed to replace damaged or diseased tissue, the range of clinical applications of these materials is immense. Truly "Smart" biomaterials, which have the ability to recognise, respond to and even record their environment, now exist. The presentations in this volume reflect the true inter-disciplinary nature of biomaterials science; with contributions from polymer chemists, engineers, biologists and clinicians. The presentations show the potential of these collaborations and describe how advanced biomaterials have and are being employed not only in theraputic applications, but also increasingly in diagnosis and treatment in medical science.

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