Addressing Sexual Violence in Peacebuilding di Katja Gönc edito da VDM Verlag
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Addressing Sexual Violence in Peacebuilding

How could Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Process make the Morning After Less Horrible? Good Morning, Liberia!


VDM Verlag





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Descrizione Addressing Sexual Violence in Peacebuilding

During the armed conflict in Liberia, rape and other forms of sexual violence were used as a weapon of war. An estimated 40 percent of the Liberian population, and seventy-five percent of female fighters, were affected by sexual violence during the 14 years of civil conflict in Liberia. Although weapons were laid aside in 2003, the wartime practice of sexual assault continues. In present-day Liberia, rape and other forms of sexual violence are still one of the most reported serious crimes, presenting a serious threat to the lives of women and girls. This book points to disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process (DDR) as an opportunity within the peacebuilding process to mitigate consequences of sexual violence from the conflict and promote the discourse of the international community against impunity of rape and other forms of sexual violence.

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