Across the Street and Around the World: Ideas to Spark Missional Focus di Diana Davis, Autumn Wall edito da BLACKWELL NORTH AMERICA
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Across the Street and Around the World: Ideas to Spark Missional Focus

Ideas to Spark Missional Focus





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Descrizione Across the Street and Around the World: Ideas to Spark Missional Focus

Think doing missions takes a major time commitment or too much organizational effort? Think again! If your small group or church has talked about getting involved in summer missions but doesn't know quite where to start--or, if you are a missions leader who has run out of ideas--then Across the Street and Around the World is for you! Across the Street and Around the World is a practical and approachable guide to ideas for church mission projects. Inside the pages of this book are hundreds of ideas to engage you, your family, your small group, or your church in intentional missional ministry. Intended to serve as a springboard, the ideas are carefully organized by the amount of time needed--one hour, one day, one week, or longer--helping you determine which opportunity fits you and your group best. Now there is no reason not to gather your group, pick an idea, and start doing missions. Ready . . . set . . . GO!

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