Across Cultural Borders di Eckhardt Fuchs, Eckhardt Fuchs Eckhardt, Fuchs Eckhardt edito da Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
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Across Cultural Borders

Historiography In Global Perspective





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This ambitious work offers the first comprehensive transcultural history of historiography. The contributors transcend a Eurocentric approach not only in terms of the individual historiographies they assess but also in the methodologies they use for comparative analysis. Moving beyond the traditional national focus of historiography, the volume offers a genuinely comparative consideration of the commonalities and differences of history writing in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. Distinguishing among distinct cultural identities, the contributors consider the ways and means of intellectual transfers and assess the strength of local historiographical traditions as they are challenged from outside. Illustrating just how deeply suffused history writing is with European models, the book offers a broad theoretical platform for exploring the value and necessity of a world historiography beyond Eurocentrism.

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